Every Wednesday I'm going to try and show you what my kids eat (I have a 2 year old and a 7 month old) for a breakfast, lunch, snack, or dinner. I cannot promise the most amazing pictures, but I hope this little look into our food life might help you, inspire you, or encourage you with what you are already doing! To kick things off, I present to you last night's dinner (for my 2 yr. old) -
- 1/2 apple, sliced
- 1/2 banana bread cookie (I'm still working on adjusting the recipe, it's almost there!)
- Refried bean burrito (1/2 tortilla, refried beans, cheese, diced tomatoes, chopped up spinach)
She ate the cookie right away, followed by the apple. She left about half the burrito (it's now todays lunch)
Not pictured: her drink. We give her a sippy cup of milk in the morning and when she's finished that, we give her water for the rest of the day.
Good idea! I love the little half-munched Angie burrito, haha.