Friday, September 14, 2012

Fall Recipes: Slow Cooker Applesauce

In a couple of weeks we're going to an orchard to pick apples and we are looking forward to all of the apple recipes we'll be making. One thing I like to do every year is make applesauce and I normally do a couple of batches in the slow cooker in addition to the stove-top to make life a bit easier!

Here are the instructions for making applesauce in your slow cooker!

 1. Wash, core, and roughly chop the apples.
*You can peel them too, but there are so many good nutrients in the skin and once you've pureed it there isn't a difference in the texture - if you want chunkier applesauce, you may notice a texture difference then. But, if you're not sure how you feel about it, add in that extra step and peel them.
2. Put apples and 1/2 c. water in the slow cooker.
3. Add cinnamon and brown sugar, if you want (this can also be done with the whole batch to taste after mashing/pureeing the applesauce, or with individual servings)
*I don't have measurements for adding these as I don't do it!
4. Cook on low 4-6 hours, until tender, stirring every once in a while (when you stir it you may notice it needs a bit more water, go ahead and add a little if needed)
5. For smooth applesauce: puree with handblender or in a food processor. For chunkier applesauce: mash with potato masher or fork.

You can then freeze, can, or just go ahead and eat it all.

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