Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Recipe Review

From The Joy of Cooking:

Basil Squash Puree (with summer squash)

Squash, chopped
Olive oil
1/2 t. salt
Garlic, opt.

1. Heat olive oil in pan, add chopped squash
2. Season with 1/2 t salt and a sprinkle of garlic (optional)
3. Cook covered 6 minutes
4. Drain juices
5. Put back on stove, add basil if you want, and cook another 2-3 minutes or until tender. 
6. Purée and enjoy.

My Review:
Easy to make, smells great, but took a bit longer than the recipe said. It's on my list to keep making, for sure.

Kids Review: 
My 9 month old really really likes it. She gobbles it up. I'm making more today and going to have my 2 yr. old try it.

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