Wednesday, August 29, 2012

First Foods/Baby Purees

I don't agree with having baby cereals as their first foods but instead go for fruits and vegetables right away. Homemade baby food is healthier for your child, and is easier than you think. Just taking a little bit of time every few weeks to a month will provide you with what you need. Below are some methods and recipes to help get you started with some common fruits and veggies and a couple of combinations. It's best to get organic to give your children the best nutrition.

- For lumpier/more textured foods simply mash them with a fork or potato masher.
- For smoother foods, put into a blender or food processor and puree, adding water or milk (breastmilk) until the texture you desire is reached.

*A post on storage coming soon.

Sweet Potatoes (two methods):
1. Wash the potatoes but don't dry them, put them in your slow cooker and put it on low. Periodically check them - they are ready when they are soft enough to be mashed (time varies on size and number of the potatoes, but typically 4+ hrs.).
2. Bake at 400 for 30-60 mins., until soft.
Once cool, peel and mash or puree.

Squash (two methods):
1. Heat oven to 400. Cut squash in half, scoop out seeds, and place flesh side down (skin side up) in 1-2 inches of water. Bake for about 40 mins. until skin starts to "pucker" or get bubbles. Scoop squash out of the skin and mash or puree.
2. Wash and peel squash (its not necessary to peel once your baby is 8 months old). Steam until tender. Mash or puree.

Peas/Green beans:
Steam until tender. Mash/puree.
- Plunging hot cooked peas into a bowl of ice cold water is known to help make a smoother puree.

Steam until tender. Mash/puree.
(Do not use the water you steam the carrots in to thin out the puree as nitrates settle in the water)

Peel, core, and chop fruit. Place in pan with just enough water to slightly cover apples. Boil/steam until tender; be sure to check on the water level and stir occasionally. Mash/puree.

Pumpkin and banana:
Blend 1 can of organic pumpkin with 1-2 banana(s) and enough water to thin it out.

Broccoli and apple:
Steam the broccoli and then blend with 1 chopped steamed/boiled apple. Have a ratio of about 2/3 veggie to 1/3 fruit (1/2 and 1/2 can also work if the mixture is too bitter for your child).

Spinach, peas and pears:
Steam the peas and peeled, chopped pears together. Blend with defrosted frozen spinach.

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